We take care of your needs and wishes

based upon our vision and expertise

What about Ceremonie & Funerals?

At ‘BeaMeUp@events’ & ‘StreaMeUp@events’ …

you’ll find good & affordable solutions for multicamera recording and live webstreaming your ceremonial event, such as celebrations, funerals or weddings.

All cameraworks are done discreetly thanks to the use of Robotic PTZ-cameras. Working this way, also the cost for cameramen & technicians is minimalized, as these cameras are remote controlled from a technical booth in the venue or from within our ROB Production Van.

If desired, local visibility can be added using indoor LCD-displays and/or outdoor LED screens.

Venues as Churches do not always have all required power- & webfacilities. An adequate powersource for LED screens and wireless 4G/5G internet for streaming, can be provided by our services.

We can provide standard or custom-made animated layouts for any religious or civil ceremonies:


If there is no excisting local soundsystem, we can take care for the audio recording.

For more information, please see  Funerals: Record & Streaming

